Saturday, November 7, 2009

International Partnership Manager

I got another job offer on Tuesday and quit my job as a health coach on Thursday. It's been a crazy week with some big decisions to make but I'm so excited for this new job. The job is with a non-profit organization (don't worry I will be getting paid) called Globus Relief. Globus Relief buys medical supplies for a discounted cost or has them donated. They then ship them to other organizations or local governments in over 100 countries all over the globe. My job is to connect the two. I decide which programs and development projects receive the supplies and in what quantity. Globus Relief is also doing some of their own development projects. They are currently building clinics in Haiti and Ethiopia. For more information on the company you can go to their website For the first six months or so I'll be working in their office in Salt Lake and as soon as I learn the ropes of the company I'll get to start traveling!! I'm so very excited and can't wait to get started! My start date is Monday, November 16th!! Wish me luck!!


Goose said...

Yay! Hill, I am so proud of you. Will you still be coming home for Thanksgiving? We def need to chat and catch up!

Chelsea Haydock Smith said...

so exciting!

Kim said...

Hillsies! This is so amazing you are going to make such a difference in the world! Congrats!

Dennis and Kristin Gillespie said...

Congratulations Hill! The job sounds very exciting. We will be so anxious to hear the details during your visit. Which is also super, super exciting. We can't wait to welcome you to Indiana :)

Unknown said...

Am so proud of u Hillsies,
I wish u the best of luck at ur new job